Our Programs

Wraparound / Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services (BHRS)

BHRS is beneficial for children and adolescents who are referred to specialized therapy by a psychological/psychiatric evaluation due to more serious emotional and behavioral challenges, including autism. BHRS is designed to provide appropriate services for the individual child. To access services, simply call the office nearest you to discuss the options available.


Typical issues covered are: social skills, anger management, problem solving, classroom behavior, self-respect, and family interactions. Therapeutic and social supports are offered in the individual's school, home, community, and social venues to wraparound the client's lifestyle.

An Interagency Service Planning Team will develop a plan, with your help, that suits the needs of your child. Then, the following team members will be available:

Behavioral Specialist Consultant - works with you and your child's therapist and treatment team to implement a behavior plan to help your child reach his or her goals.

Mobile Therapist - provides individual and family therapy in your home or in a community setting.

Therapeutic Staff Support - helps a child and family reach their treatment goals by providing one-to-one intervention with a child or adolescent and with their parents or caregivers, helping everyone learn how to develop behavior management skills.