Our Programs

Blended Case Management

Case Management services are available to adults, children, and adolescents with a mental health diagnosis.  The services are provided to assess strengths and needs and assist clients in locating services and resources to meet their needs in order to achieve stability in the community.

Examples of Case Management services are:

  - linking to and accessing mental health and rehabilitation services
  - assistance with accessing physical health services
  - locating services for basic needs such as food, shelter and housing 
  - linking to education/employment/vocational opportunities

Entering Case Management services requires a referral form from a mental health professional and approval from the Medical Assistance Office.  When approved, a case manager will be assigned and a strengths based assessment is done to determine the appropriate level of care and to develop a service plan designed to meet the client's needs.


The Case Manager will support the client throughout the length of service.  The Case Manager will monitor the service delivery to ensure that the client is receiving what is expected, work on resolving any problems that may occur, increase the client's ability to build helping networks within the community and make sure that the client is using community resources optimally.