Family Based Mental Health Services provide in home services to families with children/adolescents (21 years or younger) that are at risk of being placed out of the home. This program focuses on providing intensive therapeutic treatment in the home for the child/adolescent and their family. The service is provided by a team of two mental health workers and the service is available 24 hours 7 days a week. This is a time limited service, lasting up to but not more than 32 weeks. The Family Based Services components include, but are not limited to the following:
-Clinical Systematic Assessments
-Clinical Interventions - individual child, siblings, parent and/or family therapy
-Parent Education
-Family Support Services - respite care, therapeutic recreational activities and relief services
-Linkage/coordination with other community services
-School consultation and intervention
-Crisis and on-call services
-Treatment planning/transitioning/discharge planning
This program builds on the existing strengths and resources of the family system. The treatment team collaborates with the family members in developing a "Family Vision." This "Family Vision" along with the Eco-Systemic Structural Family Therapy model are the foundation for the mental health services delivered by Kids Count/Family Psychological.